Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Day 14 (of 3 weeks to a 30 minute running habit)

Today's workout: 5 min. warmup + 3/1 x 6 + (2/1 x 1 unplanned but added) + 5 min. cooldown

Today was a good run. The schedule had me down for 3/1 x 5 + warmup and cooldown but I felt good and since I'd done the 3/1 x 6 - 3 days ago, I was certain I could do it again. I'm still working out on the treadmill and while it's not very exciting and the scenery is only as good as my HDTV (which isn't exactly bad!), I'm still looking forward to getting outside to run.

There is, however, a slight concern about the time/mileage on the treadmill being misaligned with that on my hr monitor. Strange, right? By 15 minutes into it, the treadmill is 10 seconds behind the watch. By 30 minutes, it's over 35 seconds behind. It's highly more likely that the problem is with the treadmill than the hr monitor, as it's a Polar 625 and has always seemed pretty reliable. "Always" as in the last year since I purchased it. I haven't been using the footpod with it since I've been on the treadmill, but this would explain why it was off after being calibrated on the treadmill last year. We've got a 1k track down the street, so I'll use that and re-calibrate it soon.

Joel leaves for San Francisco again today - :( It's been nice having him home for the past 2 weeks, but this is the norm. Unfortunately, he's got to work through the coming weekend, so we won't see him for another 12 days or so. I think he'll return home on the day I leave for Edinburgh. This waving at each other and blowing kisses as we pass on the way to/from the airport really sucks.

Hunter has taekwando again tonight after 2 weeks off, so we're looking forward to a busy evening doing that and getting her ready for school tomorrow.

PM: Nothing like getting home after having waited too long to eat dinner and then binging on chips & salsa. Can you say water-weight? I dread seeing the scale tomorrow. I might skip the regular morning weigh-in. LOL (Joel, if you're reading this, we'll blame this one binge on missing you, sweetie! The next one's on me!)

The alarm is set for early in the a.m., and I'm going to get my run in before work. Tomorrow's plan is a warmup, 4/1 x 4 and cooldown. I also will need to do an UBWO, which can happen in the evening.

Wow - going back to work after 14+ days off.. this should be interesting!

1 comment:

Olga said...

I used to be a full blown bulimic. I still may binge and purge ocasionally (once a month), but overall I keep it at a level. I know I wouldn't be able to stay under 1200, though I did 5 weeks at 1500 (and dropped 10 lbs and 5% fat). When I trained with Scott Jurek (you may not know of him, but he is a one of greatest ultrarunners of this time, link on my side bar), he scolded me for not eating enough (!) He says for my level of training I need over 3000. I try to stay within 2000-2200. You've heard of body going on "reserve mode", when you don't get enough, everything (everything) is conserved and converted to fat. I am still sceptical (psychological, I do have an eating disorder after all), but it does have evidence.
If you keep calories around 1500-1800 and boost your excercise, it is a more sure way, and safer. Ask me any question, I was once 182...dropped to 117 in 3 years, stayed there for 2 years, started running, got to 130-135 and keep it (well, these days I am a touch more, but due to a break and an injury).

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Katy, TX, United States